London School of Modelling Reviews
Reviewing the services offered by London School of Modelling.
London School of Modelling offer a range of services for up-and-coming models at our 1 and 2 day Model Days and our our longer modelling courses.
All of our courses are held at our fantastic luxury
At our model days our experts will discover what type of modelling you could do. We can show you how to pose, how to walk on the catwalk, how to market yourself as a freelance model and how to stand out from your competition. You will take part in photo shoots with industry photographers and have your hair makeup and wardrobe styled by our expert team.
These days models can often get into the industry by finding work as a freelance model and using casting websites out there. Most models gave this a positive review and tell us they they have managed to break into the world of modelling this way.
We also reviewed the different types of casting websites out there for extra work. Its not just about modelling but also getting into the entertainment world in general, getting your foot in the door and working your way up. At the London School of Modelling we can show you how to try this.
Click here if you would like to read more about LSM
London School of Modelling Reviews
You can also check out our new London school of modelling review video and watch
London School of Modelling reviews on Youtube:
What makes a good model?
Natural beauty, an ability to take direction, a quirky look, good hair and skin, a good attitude, determination and ambition, confidence but also humility. All these things make a good model it is not just about being good looking. These photos were taken at our London School of Modelling studio in London. These new models all have beautiful looks and what made them stand out was their great personality, positive attitude and ability to move naturally in front of the camera. They all look like professional models. We get many great London School of Modelling reviews, and we love these three newbies. Well done.
Here is a recent
London School of Modelling Review.
Dear LSM
Wow what an eye opener your Model Day was.
Thank you for such a good experience, your staff were all very friendly and welcoming. Modelling is harder then it looks but your team made it clear what it takes to be successful and hopefully i will be!
Simone Merris
Here are some photos from our recent
London School of Modelling Model Day

To read some more London School of Modelling reviews
click here:
Summer Holliway Age 15
"Thank you every one at the London School of Modelling for making my model day so great. I learnt so much and now feel that i know a bit more about what it takes to be a model. I can't wait to get started."
To find out more about our LSM model days click here:
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