A massive congratulations to Olivia Caven who is currently in the runnings to becoming Miss Harrogate 2013!! So far she is in SECOND place and needs all the votes she can get so please support her by texting “MISS HG19” to 64343. Olivia has a wonderful inspiring story. She was born completely deaf and has faced many struggles in her life however Olivia has fought against this and never let it prevent her from making her dreams a reality.
This is Olivia’s Story in her own words:
“I got through to the Final of Miss Harrogate!!
I need your votes to help me win. It is a texting vote system which will have the details on the page on how to vote!!
This is not just my dreams and desires. It's also for the people who are different like me. I was born completely deaf and struggled in my childhood with all the obstacles it gave me. I never let that stop me from fulfilling my dreams! I pushed myself to be like you.
As all my friends and family know, my speech is good and improving all the time! Most people never find out until I tell them but I was not always good at hearing, speaking and I had no confidence at all.
It was simple things like, talking to a stranger, picking up the house phone, going to a shop on my own and asking for the price of the things I wanted, asking for directions, explaining I was deaf to a stranger.
My parents and I worked really hard to make sure I had the same opportunities through life as hearing people do. I worked hard at my speech. As my hearing was deteriorating till it was gone, I had an operation 4 years ago to have a Cochlear Implant. This changed my life and it was then that my speech improved because I heard more sounds then ever before!! It was extremely hard learning sounds all over again but it was the best decision of my life.
Since I had my Cochlear Implant my confidence improved at every new obstacle that I overcame!
Now I have a chance to show people that if I can overcome my fears and be brave to stand up in front of everyone and achieve MY dream. Then so can you! Never give up, You can achieve your wants and desires with a determined and positive attitude.
You've read about why I'm doing this, so please help me to be a role model for others.
VOTE FOR ME !! :) xx “
We are so pleased that Olivia was able to gain so much from her 2 day boot camp at
London School of Modelling

. When Olivia came to us she was quite shy and unsure of herself but after our coaching and advice we literally saw her transform into a confident young lady.
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